
Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Mix 'n' Match Acivity

Kia orana blogging world
Today I was learning about how much sugar are in each drinks have a look and you
will see write one has the most sugar in all the drinks.The v drink has 16 teaspoons
in the drink.There is 9 teaspoons in mountain dew everyone like mountain dew there
is 4 teaspoons in ice coffee I don't like ice coffee because it is for adults but  I don't really like
it.Also the last one is water everyone knows thats there is no sugar in water so there is
0 teaspoons of sugaer in water.

Thank you for reading my work by Paris

Here is a link to my work   


  1. Kia orana Paris.

    Wow there is a lot of sugar in V drink. I will be warning my friends and family about the sugar content in their drinks now. Could you please tell me a little bit more about the link to your work? Do you want us to look at it or do something with it?

    Thank you
    Miss Fortes

    1. Thank you for the feedback Miss Fortes

  2. Hello Larissa
    thank you for the lovely feedback

    from Paris

  3. Hello Larissa
    thank you for the lovely feedback

    from Paris

  4. Hello Larissa
    thank you for the lovely feedback

    from Paris
